It's not too late to order your 2018-2019 yearbooks on sale now for $40.00. Bring a check or cash to Mrs. Houska or Mrs. Thiele.
over 5 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
Students in grades 8-11 interested in playing football please meet in Mr. Kuchar's room today at the beginning of Study Hall.
over 5 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
The District Track Meet time is 10:00 AM Friday. Running events will begin at noon.
over 5 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
District Track-Schedule of Events
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
track event schedule
UPDATE: District Track on Friday, May 10---Field Events will begin at 10:00 AM and running events will begin at 12:45PM.
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
Library books must be checked in May 13 for grades 7-11.
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
There will be a Boating Skills Course offered May 25 at All Season’s Power Sports in Yankton, SD. You must be at least 14 years old to take the course. The cost is $10.00 and it is a 6 hour course. If interested see the flyer on the bulletin boards.
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
Please check the lost and found table. Items will be taken to Goodwill at the end of the school year.
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
It's not too late to order your 2018-2019 yearbooks on sale now for $40.00. Bring a check or cash to Mrs. Houska or Mrs. Thiele.
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
There will be an FFA meeting tonight at 7:00 PM.
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
Results from Friday track Meet in Harrington. Those place in the top 3 Madie Ziegler - 2nd in Triple Jump Madison Abbenhaus - 1st in 100M Hurdles Christina Martinson - 1st in 100 M Dash, 1st in 400 M Dash, 2nd in 1200 M Run Carry Martinson - 2nd in 800 M Run 4x100 Relay - 2nd- Jenna Loseke, Brooke Pinkelman, Tenly Gilsdorf, Carry Martinson 4x200 Relay - 2nd - Jenna Loseke, Lily Jessen, Tenly Gilsdorf, Brooke Pinkelman Medley Relay - 1st - Tenly Gilsdord, Olivia Lauck, Brooke Pinkelman, Madison Abbenhaus 4x400 Relay - 1st - Madie Ziegler, Carry Martinson, Madison Abbenhaus, Christina Martinson Great Season Girls!!!
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
Congrats to JH girls for Runner Up performance at Knox County JH track meet yesterday: Those placing in the top 3: Madison Abbenhaus - 1st in 100 M Hurdles, 3rd in 195 Hurdles, 2nd in the 400 M Dash Carry Martinson - 2nd in the 800 M Run, 3rd in the 1200 M Run Christina Martinson - 1st in the 100 M Dash, 1st in the 400 M Dash, 2nd 1200 M Run Madie Ziegler - 2nd Triple Jump 4x400 Relay - First Place - Madie Ziegler, Carry Martinson, Madison Abbenhaus, Christina Martinson
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
There will be a Boating Skills Course offered May 25 at All Season’s Power Sports in Yankton, SD. You must be at least 14 years old to take the course. The cost is $10.00 and it is a 6 hour course. If interested see the flyer on the bulletin boards.
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
There will be an FFA meeting on Tuesday at 7:00 PM.
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
Seniors, today is the last full day of school at BHS. Graduation practice will be held on Tuesday at 8:00 AM followed by the elementary walk-through. A breakfast-compliments of teachers and staff will be held in Mrs. Rojas’ room. Seniors, you will be missed!!!
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
Senior laptops are due today. All bills are due before you can check out. Come to the office and see if you have any bills.
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
The golf team will travel to Randolph today for their meet. The team will be depart at 11:30 AM. Meet time is 1:00 PM.
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
The junior high track team will travel to Creighton today for their invitational. Team members are to be dismissed at 10:20 AM and depart at 10:30 AM. Meet time is 12:00.
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
The elementary student council would like the thank the high school and staff for participating in our clean up day. Bloomfield looks wonderful!
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools
On Friday, May 3 ten students from Bloomfield Jr-Sr High School competed in the Wayne State College Math Contest. The students placing were: Ian Kuchar & Maddie Ziegler - tied for 4th in Algebra I Andrew Hunhoff - 4th in Geometry Alexandra Eisenhauer - 3rd in Geometry Ella McFarland - 7th in Algebra II Brooklyn Eisenhauer - 6th in Pre-Calculus Braden Eisenhauer - 7th in Pre-Calculus Carolyn Nagengast - 5th in Calculus
almost 6 years ago, Bloomfield Community Schools